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We recommend using as few images as possible on your website, avoiding videos.

No Fancy Animations or Frameworks

The internet is not eco-friendly; let’s help each other reduce carbon emissions.

Reduced & compressed code

The Internet contributes two percent of global carbon emissions.

Create a More Eco-Friendly Website

“What is an eco-friendly website? How can a website be bad for the environment? It’s not even a real thing!”

Does the above might mirror your first reaction? I don’t blame you. It’s hard to imagine something which is completely virtual to have an impact on the real world.

And yet, the Internet contributes two percent of global carbon emissions. While that may not sound like much, it is, in fact, the same as the greenhouse-gas emissions of the aviation industry.

4 Ways to Make Your Website More Eco-Friendly

It’s possible to make your website more eco-friendly. Here are 4 tips on how your website can contribute to the planet.

Wanna Do more?

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Choose a green hosting service

Green hosting is designed to be energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly. These web hosts typically "offset" their energy usage by purchasing wind power or other credits from environmental non-profits.

Have Print-Friendly Content

A lot of visitors print out content from websites. Reduce the number of pages they print out by optimizing your website for it and save everyone from a bad experience and using too unnecessarily much paper.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Is it too late to prevent climate change?

Humans have caused major climate changes to happen already, and we have set in motion more changes still. Even if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases today, global warming would continue.

It takes a while for the planet to respond, and because carbon dioxide – the predominant heat-trapping gas – lingers in the atmosphere for hundreds of years. There is a time lag between what we do and when we feel it.

Can we stop caused global warming?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to stopping or slowing global warming, and each individual, business, municipal, state, tribal, and federal entity must weigh their options in light of their own unique set of circumstances.

Experts say it is likely many strategies working together will be needed. Generally speaking, here are some examples of mitigation strategies we can use to slow or stop the human-caused global warming (learn more):

What is the greenhouse effect ?

The greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is trapped close to the surface of the Earth by “greenhouse gases.” These heat-trapping gases can be thought of as a blanket wrapped around the Earth, which keeps it toastier than it would be without them. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides.

Greenhouse gases arise naturally, and are part of the make-up of our atmosphere. Earth is sometimes called the “Goldilocks” planet – it’s not too hot, not too cold, and the conditions are just right to allow life to flourish. Part of what makes Earth so amenable is the naturally-arising greenhouse effect.

Do scientists agree on climate change?

The United States’ foremost scientific agencies and organizations have recognized global warming as a human-caused problem that should be addressed. The U.S. Global Change Research Program has published a series of scientific reports documenting the causes and impacts of global climate change.

NOAA, NASA, the National Science Foundation, the National Research Council, and the Environmental Protection Agency have all published reports and fact sheets stating that Earth is warming mainly due to the increase in human-produced heat-trapping gases.

It's time for change.

The impact that world leaders, celebrities, scientists and other high-profile individuals can have by speaking out about climate issues on a global scale is huge.

No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.

Barack Obama
44th President
We don't want these things done by 2050, 2030 or even 2021. We want this done now.

Greta Thungberg
Environmental Activist
We have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation.

Paul Polman

Are you ready to get started with EcoCoded?

Purchase EcoCoded today and create your eco-friendly website!